June 21, 2024
June 21, 2024
  1. The washing machine is among some of the highest electrical energy consumers in our homes, with a power rating of about 500 to 1,400 watts.
  2. To conserve electricity as much as possible, pool your laundry together (as a family or roommates) and do full loads all at once. As a result, you cut down on the number of times you end up using the washer every week.
  3. By drying your clothes on the drying lines rather than using a dryer you save energy.
  4. You could save energy by doing your laundry using warm or cold-water settings on your washing machine.
  5. It is always energy efficient to rinse your clothes with cold water settings.
  6. It is energy efficient to use short wash cycle for clothes that are not very dirty.
  7. Switch off appliances at the wall switch when not in use.
  8. Turn of stand-by-mode. Appliances left in stand-by mode still consume electricity.
  9. Use LED Lamps; they are more efficient than CFLs.
  10. Place notices next to appliances;
  11. Reading e.g., “switch off lights and fans after use”
  12. Note what you consume. Take meter readings and compare your kilowatt-hours consumption month-by-month.
  13. Spread the word. Involve the family and dwellers.
  14. Take along your staff if you are a small-or medium-sized enterprise.
  15. Buy New instead of used appliances;
  16. New energy efficient appliances may cost you more to buy but save you money over the life time of the appliance.
  17. Common household appliances such as refrigerators/freezers, air conditioners and lights come with an Energy Efficiency Label designed and approved by the government of Ghana. This label indicates that the appliance meets minimum efficiency and performance standards approved by the Ghana Standards Authority. Additionally, the Energy Commission under its mandate to promote energy efficiency and productive use of electricity has established a web-based database with related application (APP) for refrigerating appliances, air conditioners and lighting appliances.
  18. Other Energy Efficiency labelling schemes;
    • Look for Energy Star label seen on computers, laptops, printers, copier machines, etc.
    • Look for other Energy Efficiency labels on other appliances such as washing machines, microwave ovens, dishwashers, blenders and some refrigerators/freezers.

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