June 21, 2024
June 21, 2024
June 21, 2024
June 21, 2024
  1. Always buy air conditioner with an energy efficiency label (Energy Guide).
  2. The more stars the better.
  3. It is energy efficient to size your air-conditioner according to the size of and use of the space you are cooling. Consult the experts.
  4. It is energy efficient to properly regulate the temperature in your room/office, do not overcool the space.
  5. By locating your AC units on the north and south sides or the best shaded side of your building you cut down on your bills.
  6. Its is not energy efficient to cool unoccupied rooms.
  7. By switching the air conditioner off when leaving the room for more than 10 minutes you save lots of energy.
  8. For your air conditioner to work more efficiently, you should avoid placing objects in front of the unit, it blocks vents and reduces the unit’s ability to properly exhaust air.
  9. A ceiling fan or standing fan uses about 10% of the energy and the air conditioner utilizes.
  10. Regularly service your air conditioners at least twice a year, replace filters where needed. This keeps them clean and efficient.
  11. Open doors and windows to refresh the room before switching on the air conditioner.
  12. Replace air conditioners that are very old with new and more efficient ones.
  13. Shade or tint your window from outside against direct sun light and heat
  14. Keep windows and doors shut while using air conditioner.
  15. Don’t set the temperature of you’re A/C below 25o Celsius – it is healthier for you, your electricity costs and the environment!
  16. Louvre windows are not the best for air-conditioned rooms because of gaps between the blades.
  17. However, if you use louvre windows keep them firmly closed.

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